De 3310 is één van de meest succesvolle Nokia telefoons ooit.
In 2000 introduceert Nokia de 3310, een voor dat moment zeer geavanceerde telefoon. Calculator, stopwatch, wekker en niet te vergeten de Network Monitor, waren destijds bijzondere functies in een mobiele telefoon. Daarbij was het toestel robuust, licht en compact. In totaal zijn er rond de 130 miljoen exemplaren van de 3310 verkocht. Geen wonder dat het museum er onderhand al wel een handvol van deze en gene heeft gekregen.
Uit het aankondigingsbericht van 1 september 2000:
Nokia has today announced a new mobile phone, the Nokia 3310, with a unique chat function, allowing users to chat with text messages on their phones while on the move. With this innovation, Internet chat groups will no longer be confined to the desktop. The Nokia 3310 has been designed particularly for young people and the young at heart, for whom the mobile phone is an important lifestyle accessory and who are already extensively using various messaging services.
The chat function allows you to have a conversation, similar to the chat services on the Internet, with the other party by using short messages.
The new phone is small and slim, weighing only 133 grams. Despite its small size, it offers users an extensive array of features. Concatenated messaging enables you to type longer messages - the Nokia 3310 automatically connects up to three messages together making the message nearly three times longer than normal SMS messages. The multiple send feature of the Nokia 3310 makes it possible to send a message to multiple recipients. With the Nokia 3310 it is also possible to send picture messages to other picture message-enabled Nokia phones. Other attractions are the new games, Space Impact and Bantumi, and full editable profiles that are downloadable over the air, consisting of a screensaver, a ringing tone, and a profile name.
The Nokia 3310 is equipped with the Nokia Navi© Key, the famous innovation enabling easy access to phone features. A sensitive built-in antenna makes the phone convenient to carry and use. The GSM 900/1800 phone also operates on EGSM (Extended GSM) 900 networks, which allows operators with access to this bandwidth to expand network capacity. Nokia is paving the way to the mobile information society with its innovative products and solutions. The company is the leading mobile phone supplier and a leading supplier of mobile networks.
Mobiel bellen zonder poespas ? Neem een 3310 !